
Company Profile

Date of EstablishmentApril 1st, 2021
Construction LicenseLicense from the Governor of Kanagawa prefecture(General-3) No.88656
OfficesHead Office
1-2, Sumiyoshi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan

Fukuoka Branch
1-9-17, Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken, Japan

TEL (+81)45-211-4601

Corporate Beliefs

We contribute to create the society walk with pleasure of people and the nature thorough engineering, construction and project management.

For customers, we pursue providing better-than-expected effort, and for employee, we build satisfying career and create the value.

・Ethics: Honesty and Fairness
・Quality: We provide quality which recognized by all customers and society.
・Human Resources: We pursue important purposeful works, creations of worthwhile opportunities and own upskilling each other.
・Relationship: We build positive and long-last relationships with customers, cooperative vendors and the team.
・Innovation: We will develop and provide world-level technology.

The Message from The CEO

In 2015, The UN Summit adopted SDGs. Looking back on the past, the names of universities’ architectural departments began to change from around 2000. Moreover, researches on the environment have been increasing. The word “Sustainable development”, which is a hot topic in Japan nowadays, is also begun to be used in the construction business before 2010 abroad.

I have a lot of opportunities to do engage with the sea, and have been valuing the time with the sea of the nature. However, unfortunately, I have witnessed and keenly felt the ocean environmental degradation every year near the sea. Especially, coastal erosion is quite noticeable and it raising serious issues of biological environment changes, a decline in disaster-preventing function, seawater pollution, damages for the landscape and losses of seaside recreations. These are influenced by economic activities of humans who lives on the land. We can no longer deny the fact that continuity of natural environment is blocked by materials which has used for constructions for the purpose of infrastructure growth.

Today, improvements of infrastructure development and utility features contribute to the development of the world economy and the creation of an enriched society. Therefore, we, as the company learning and engaging in construction engineering, would like to emphasize the adoption of building techniques which reduce the effects on the environment, creation of lasting environment, approaches for climate change and a new energy policy which alternatives to nuclear energy or thermal power. Furthermore, we pursue a goal to be the organization which can contribute to the non-discriminatory society by engaging in overseas actively, communicating with many people and sharing values in the borderless world.

The CEO Tomonori Nakamura

Organization Chart

We have an organizational structure corresponding to project management.